Thursday, August 18, 2011


And thus it endeth,
The longest vacation
And it was yesterday that the green grass even greener with virginal showers,
Dampened our skin
When we sat under the mighty banyan tree.
The robust sentinel concealed us in its ancient silhouette
And it seemed appropriate that you plant a sudden kiss.
The moment of trepidation transpired
With great palpitation, and a little perspiration.
We giggled.
And thus it endeth
Every time.
And now as we merrily wave adieu
I wait to catch one last glimpse
The green of your eyes
The lilac of your touch.
And there are a hundred thousand faces smiling
A thousand hands waving
The gold of the sun, the silver of the clouds
Beneath which the flames of your breath had once burned my skin
Leave lingering questions and a crimson hue.
It is not time to end my poem. Not yet.